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Customer Service


Customer Service Department

NPC's customer service department is second to none. We believe in a non-bureaucratic system, one where each department, including all management, is completely accessible to our customers and staff members. Because we believe so firmly in providing you with the best possible service, we have expanded our Customer Service personnel by 300%, and asked them to provide service beyond all expectations. Their focus is to work with clients in the following areas:

Order Management and Acceptance

The Customer Service Department is the central source for all questions concerning orders.

Scheduling and Due Date Tracking

The Customer Service Department controls the schedule of manufacturing and is responsible for order due dates being achieved.

Order Status Reports

On a daily basis, we inform our sales staff of the scheduled production runs and due dates. A customer may request to receive from NPC a daily status report of their pending orders.

Customer Requirements

The Customer Service Department works with the client to ensure that we know their product requirements. Our internal records of the Customer's Requirements are audited by the Customer Service Department on a regular basis, and are reviewed to identify any changes needed.

Providing service to our customers does not fall solely on the Customer Service Department, but is the responsibility of everyone within NPC. All departments are focused on providing great service.